The public is invited to join the Tolland Historical Society in celebrating the 200th anniversary of the museum at 53 Tolland Green from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., rain or shine, with festivities and a final chance to view depicting the Court House over its 200 years.
Society volunteer Perne Maynard provided many recent photos of the courthouse for the exhibit and photographed many images and artifacts in the Historical Society’s collection.
Cupcakes will be prepared by LuAnn’s Bakery. For a $1 donation, people can take photos of friends and relatives in the wooden pillory. The celebration is free, and no advance registration is required.
At the event, the name of a ticket-holder will be drawn to win a beautiful handmade quilt by Tolland Historical Society volunteer Sandy Gallup.
The quilt, following a pattern called Sister’s Choice, is 70 inches x 82 inches. Tickets are $2 each and can be obtained by sending a check for the number of tickets desired and a stamped self-addressed envelope to Cathy Wilcox, 535 Old Stafford Rd., Tolland, CT 06084. Checks should be made out to Tolland Historical Society and include the word “quilt” on the memo line.
If requesting by mail, please identify your name and phone number where you can be reached so we can add it to the ticket stub. Allow about a week for the tickets to arrive from your request.