Tolland Historical Society volunteer Peter Palmer recently taught some of the Society interns the old-fashioned art of making braided rugs at the Old Tolland County Jail and Museum.

Tolland Historical Society volunteer Peter Palmer recently taught some of the Society interns the old-fashioned art of making braided rugs at the Old Tolland County Jail and Museum.
Here’s your Wednesday update on the restoration project at the Old Tolland County Court House Museum:
This week, the replacement wood and the epoxy treatment on the columns has finished curing.
The heavy plastic wrap has been removed. You can see the complete column.
The final old leaf gilding has been applied to the weathervane.
New timbers for inside work have been delivered. More on that next Wednesday.
The Tolland Historical Society is continuing to raise money to cover an unexpected $24,000 cost to deal with the rotting timbers inside the bell tower.
Donations can be made online at or by mail to Tolland Historical Society, P.O. Box 107, Tolland, CT 06084. Thank you in advance for a gift of any size.
The Tolland Historical Society will hold a free fiber spinning demonstration on Sunday, July 25 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Old Tolland County Jail and Museum on the Tolland Green.
It will feature a hands-on experience with drop spindles and a Louet wheel.Admission is free, but donations are always appreciated when you’re visiting.
Photo credit:
Important restoration work continues this week on the bell tower at the Old Tolland County Court House Museum.
The Tolland Historical Society is still seeking donations to support this important project and to replenish its operating funds. Donations can be made online at or by mail to Tolland Historical Society, P.O. Box 107, Tolland, CT 06084. Please note on your check if you are supporting the Court House project or making an unrestricted donation. Thank you in advance for a gift of any size.
Here’s our Wednesday update on the restoration project at the Old Tolland County Court House Museum:
Upper copper work continues this week. Rotted timbers were found in the belfry framing above the bell level as well as significant rotted wood throughout the columns. It’s believed a combination of dutchman and epoxy repair to the columns will be sufficient. A game plan for the upper framing will be presented at this week’s construction meeting. There will be a change event for this…that means more cost!
The Tolland Historical Society is still seeking donations to support this important project and to replenish its operating funds. Donations can be made online at or by mail to Tolland Historical Society, P.O. Box 107, Tolland, CT 06084. Please note on your check if you are supporting the Court House project or making an unrestricted donation. Thank you in advance for a gift of any size.
After two full weeks, the restoration of the Old Tolland County Court House cupola and bell tower this week continues, with strikingly different images.
In the first, new copper is being returned to the wooden cupola dome, over a protective layer to keep out rain, snow and ice, as seen in the second photo.
However, the discovery of significant rot in the main center post of the cupola, previously hidden by the bell tower ceiling, is a setback. Ironically, the view of the dome without the louvres is original to the 1822 building.
The Tolland Historical Society’s Governing Board will hold the Society’s 2021 annual meeting via Zoom on Sunday, June 27 at 4 p.m.
At the meeting, an update will be provided on the bell tower restoration project at the Old Tolland County Court House Museum and other Society initiatives and programs.
The annual meeting is open to all Society members and those interested in joining the society’s mission to keep and share Tolland’s story. Those who would like to attend should email Society President Kathy Bach at for the Zoom link.
Each Wednesday this summer, the Tolland Historical Society will share updates on the restoration of the cupola and bell tower at the Old Tolland County Court House.
Work began on June 1 when carpenters removed the weathervane from the copper- domed cupola on the 1822 building. In the first photo, you can see the bead board structure that formed the dome, which signified that this was a civic building.
The society is still seeking donations to support this important project and to replenish its operating funds. Donations can be made online at www.tolland or by mail at Tolland Historical Society, P.O. Box 107, Tolland, CT 06084. Please note on your check if you would like to support the restoration project or make an unrestricted donation. Thank you in advance for a gift of any size.
The Tolland Historical Society is pleased to announce that after being closed for more than a year due to the coronavirus pandemic, two of its museums will be reopening to the public.
The Old Tolland County Jail and Museum be open Sundays from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. beginning on Sunday, June 6. Located at 52 Tolland Green, it will be open Sundays through the fall except on July 4 for Independence Day and on Sept. 5 for Labor Day.
Visitors will be required to wear masks while on the museum grounds and practice social distancing.
The Daniel Benton Homestead Museum at 154 Metcalf Road will be open on Sundays from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. beginning on Sunday, July 11. It will be open on Sundays through October, except for Sept. 5 for Labor Day.
Visitors to the Benton will be required to wear masks and practice social distancing. Only four people will be allowed inside the museum at a time, and restrooms are not available.
The museum openings are always subject to change if COVID-19 numbers rise again in Connecticut.
Admission to the museums is free, but donations are always appreciated. They can be made at the museum, through the website or by sending a check to the Tolland Historical Society, P.O. Box 107, Tolland, CT 06084.
The jail museum welcome visitors for the first time in more than a year on Sunday, May 30 to observe Memorial Day, and also featured members of the Connecticut Re-enactors Guild, who portrayed members of the military from different eras.
In photo 1, Historical Society President Kathy Bach, center, welcomed visitors with the help of members of the Board of Directors, Dr. Sharron Laplante and David Geissler.
In photo 2, members of the Connecticut Re-enactors Guild spoke with visitors.
In photo 3, Historical Society intern Jillian Freeto was one of several interns who led visitors on a tour Sunday, May 30.
In photo 4, Society Director Cathy Wilcox showed off examples of her weaving and demonstrated use of a loom.
In the final photo, more members of the guild spoke with a visitor about World War II uniforms and weaponry.
Photos by Kate Farrish
Here’s an appropriate poem for Memorial Day as we remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect all of us.