About Us

It is the mission of the Tolland Historical Society, Inc. to promote community awareness of local history. We do this by operating and maintaining our four museums with programs and exhibits for the school classes and the general public, publishing books available in our museum store as well as other materials relevant to Tolland History.

Offices in the Old Tolland County Jail & Museum,
52 Tolland Green  Click for Map to location
Mailing Address P.O. Box 107, Tolland, CT 06084
Telephone 860 870-9599

Officers, Directors and Committee Chairs 


 Name  Position   
Officers     Kathy BachPresident 
 Celeste SenechalVice President 
 Kate FarrishSecretary 
 Katie FratonTreasurer 
 Al FratoniDeputy Treasurer   
Directors        Gail White UsherDaniel Benton Homestead 
 Celeste SenechalCourt House Museum 
 Kathy BachJail Museum 
Mary-Pat Soucy
Mary Noonan
Military Museum
 Cathy WilcoxMembership 
 Celeste Senechal Programs 
 Mary-Pat SoucyFundraising & Antique Show 
 Kate FarrishPublic Relations & Publicity 
  Dr. Sharron Laolante Collections 
Antiques Show CommitteeSponsorships 
 Board of DirectorsEndowments 
 Board of DirectorsPublications 
Board of DirectorsRetail Sales 
  Mike Pesce Buildings/Grounds 
 Ni-Ni ReinardSpecial Projects 
 Perne MaynardMedia 

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